BatMudder's Barbarian Guild info

This page info contributed by Darlantan.

First, barbarian is a guild with lots of offensive power and some defensive skills. You have to have barbarian ring(ask on sales for loan, it costs about 5k to loan but its still cheaper than to buy it...)

barbarian guild is from sc : 16 sw, 20 s, 2 n, ne, enter bushes(theres the barbarian you have to show the ring, dont worry if the barbarian is not there, sometimes people kill it for fun but it regens in ~30 mins.)

if you dont know which one to be : ranger or barbarian, think your race and what kind of player you are : do you make exp by soloing or do you like to party? barbarians need party because they dont get much those cool solo skills(camping to 60 and fire building to 50 and no masteries at all). If you have large race(cyclops,giant, ogre, minotaur) barbarian is good choice, they get to use big weapons and get throw weight to max at small levels.

Barbarian also get some dodge&parry on higher levels but dont count on them.
If you choose to be barbarian these are good skills to train :
Tumbling attack ( makes your blows hit through dodge)
Stun ( sometimes your blows stun opponents and all blows you hit to your opponent while he/she/it is stunned make Lotsa damage)
Alertness ( makes you see surprises and avoid getting ambushed)
Impale/pound/cleave ( All of these make better damage than bladed fury but are slightly slower and should be trained as soon as you get to train these, but dont use these until they are atleast at 30%)
Attack ( One of the most important skills to any guild)
Axes/polearms/bludgeons (Your weapon skills)
Endurance( Good if you have trouble with your ep's, your skills require less ep's to use)
Pulverize/mangle/reaving ( Makes your weapon skill sometimes hit double times)
Stunned maneuvers ( saves your life, many times, avoids your char getting stunned)

If you choose to be Barbarian using polearms here are some good choices :
Xormor (hits harder than bdrinker and costs ~50k though and weights only 14kg)
Shaft of light (HARD hitting polearm though weights 30kg and is rarely seen on sales)
Mauler(If you have extra 200k on your pocket this is a good choice and weights only 4kg though xormor has better price/damage ratio)

You can ask Darlantan on mud if you have any further questions about barbarians. Barb Ranks (barbarian binfo name):
puppy-like, child,
[#::::::.......] angry child
[##::::.] fumbling combatant
[##:::::::::...] animal
[###::] feared by sheep
[####::::........] delinquent
[####:::::::.......] spouse beater
[#####::.........] rapist
[#####::::::::.......] brawler,
[######:::.] vandal
[########:::::.....] protagonist
[#########::::::] blood letter,
[@:........] grunt
[@#::::::::...] savage
[@##:::::::.......] witted fighter,
[@###.........] barbarian
[@####:::::.....] Roughneck
[@#####....]Raging bull
[@######..] Lion like
[@#######::::::....] Murderer,
[@@] Weapon master
respected barbarian, True Barbarian, Well known Barbarian
[@@::::::] Famous Barbarian
[@@###:::...]Feared by peasants
[@@#####::::::::..] Pillager
[@@######.]Feared by knights
[@@########.]Feared by sovereigns
[@@@::......] Derek's trusted
[@@@###.] Cruelty incarnated
[@@@######:::::::::..] Derek's guard
[@@@#########:::::::::........] Master Barbarian
[@@@@########........] Crusher
[@@@@@#########:.......] Bone Grinder
[@@@@@@:::::......] Oogga's Elite Warrior
Rampaging Whirlwind, Abomination,
[@@@@@@@::::::::.......] Violence Embodied
[@@@@@@@@#########::::::.] Lean Mean Killing Machine
[@@@@@@@@@##::::........] Thunderer..
[@@@@@@@@@@###::::::.] The Punisher
..The Conquerer...Mountain Crusher..
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@##:::........] The Devastator
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#####::::........]The Destroyer
Walking Earthquake,
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@########:::.........] Flattener of Cities
Pillager of Worlds,
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#######:::::.......]Groo's Favoured
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#::::::::.......] deathbringer
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@####::::.........] Nightmare
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@###:::::::::.........] One Man Storm Front
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@###:::::::::....]Groo Reborn
[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@####::.]BatMUD's Bane

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