WOOD by Valtava wood, elm, birch, maple, mahogany are unstable wood + ivory = maple bark + elm = maple wood + ebony=bamboo [Moonshine] bone + ivory=coral bone + dragonscale=ivory bone + coral =ivory coral + bone=ivory coral + ivory=bone coral + dragonscale=bone dragonscale + coral=bone dragonscale + bone=ivory dragonscale + ivory=bone ivory + coral=bone ivory + dragonscale=bone ivory + bone=coral Dragonscale [wood]: [info needed] dragonscale+ivory+coral+bone=ivory GLASS by Valtava and Nyghtshade Crystal + laen=obsidian Crystal + obsidian=glass Crystal + glass=obsidian Glass + obsidian=crystal Glass + crystal=obsidian Glass + laen=crystal Laen + obsidian=crystal Laen + crystal=obsidian Laen + glass=crystal obsidian and crystal=glass Obsidian + laen=crystal Obsidian + glass=crystal crystal and laen / glass =obsidian Obsidian,crystal,laen=glass Obsidian,crystal,laen,glass=steuben Clothing/Food/Vegetation by Valtava burlap+fur=wool burlap+leather=wool burlap+ice=fur burlap+wool=fur burlap+flesh=silk burlap+silk=fur burlap+feathers=wool burlap+cotton=fur cloth+ice=silk cloth+vegetation cloth+fur=burlap cloth+vegetation=cotton cloth+burlap=fur cloth+silk=leather cloth+leather=fur cloth+feathers=food cloth+cotton=food leather + burlap=fur leather + flesh= silk leather + silk = fur leather + neo burlap= fur leather + fur = burlap leather + wool = fur leather+feathers=wool leather+ice=silk leather+cotton=fur silk+vegetation=flesh silk+flesh=ice silk+ice=flesh silk+feathers=ice silk+fur=leather silk+wool=fur silk+burlap=fur silk+feathers=ice silk+cotton=cloth ice+feathers=flesh ice+fur=silk ice+silk=flesh ice+burlap=fur ice+leather=silk ice+flesh=vegetation ice+wool=fur ice+cotton=vegetation fur+leather=burlap fur+silk=leather fur+burlap=wool fur+wool=burlap fur+ice=silk fur+flesh=silk fur+feathers=wool fur+cotton=burlap flesh + leather=silk flesh + silk=ice flesh + fur=silk flesh + neo burlap=leather flesh + wool =silk flesh+burlap=silk flesh+feathers=ice flesh+ice=vegetation flesh+cotton=vegetation wool +silk=fur wool+flesh=silk wool+fur=burlap wool+leather=fur wool+burlap=fur wool+feathers= wool+ice=fur wool+cotton=fur feathers + burlap=wool feathers + leather=wool feathers + flesh=ice feathers + silk=ice feathers + fur=wool feathers+wool= feathers+ice=flesh feathers+cotton=food food+vegetation=cotton food+cotton=enchanted air vegetation+food=cotton vegetation+enchanted air=flesh