Catfolk: Alertness 50%, Attack 50%, Sneak 50%, Clairvoyance 25%, Dodge 25%, Hunting 100, See magic 50%
Centaur: Swim 60%, Hunt 60%, Fish 60%, Attack 30%
Cromagnon: Hunting to 50%, Throw weight to 33%, Attack to 33%, Bludgeons to 37%, Fire building to 12%
Devil: no spells/skills
Duergar: Frenzy to 37%, Compare to 37%, Axes to 29%, Appraise to 37%, Alcohol tolerance to 37%, Blacksmithing to 29%
Drow: Thorn spray to 48%, Spider walk to 48%, Cast generic to 20%, Short blades to 29%, Alertness to 29%
Dwarf: Mining to 22%, Axes to 29%, Appraise to 37%, Alcohol tolerance to 33%, Blacksmithing to 29%
Elf: Sneak to 49%, Plant lore to 49%, See magic to 48%, See invisible to 48%, Hiking to 41%
Ent: Plant lore to 59%, Alertness to 29%, Track to 22%, Camouflage to 37%, Woodland stealth to 37%
Gargoyle: Parry to 16%, Discipline to 41%, Stunned maneuvers to 41%, Grapple to 41%, Endurance to 41%
Giant: Scouting to 41%, Attack to 33%, Throw weight to 24%, Torch creation to 33%, Bludgeons to 24%, Bash to 33%
Gnoll: Hunting 37, attack 18, track 25, combat sense 14, detect trap 14, hiking 22.
Gnome [sp 93, sk 74]: Appraise 40, Cast Generic 20, Create money 25, Flosting letters 45, See magic 45, Identify 40
Lich: Cast generic to 33%, Cast cold to 33%, Energy drain to 58%, Preserve corpse to 87%, Neutralize field to 29%, Chill touch to 48%, Flame arrow to 87%
Minotaur: Stargazing to 33%, Frenzy to 24%, Throw weight to 16%, Attack to 33%, Bludgeons to 33%, Bash to 37%
Moomin: Attack 37, Dodge 7, Parry 14, Swim 37, Throw weight 14
Satyr: Alcohol tolerance to 54%, Brawling to 29%, Hiking to 29%, Uncontrollable hideous laughter to 46%, Hallucination to 46%
Shadows: Mana control to 33%, Enhanced peer to 33%, Greater darkness to 97%, Darkness to 97%, Essence eye to 33%, Mana drain to 29%, Conceal spellcasting to 24%, Enhance vision to 29%
Skeleton: Attack to 25%, Kick to 20%, Throw weight to 20%, Parry to 20%, Short blades to 40%, Long blades to 10%, Preserve corpse to 60%, See magic to 40%
Sprite: Wizard eye 46, Teleport with error 27%, Quicksilver 23%, Cast generic to 37%, Cast teleportation to 22%
Tinmen: Heat reduction to 23%, Alcohol tolerance to 74%, Cold tolerance to 22%, Endurance to 37%, Tinning to 44%, Mind over body to 18%
Troll: Plant lore to 18%, Throw weight to 7%, Fishing to 37%, Attack to 25%, Grapple to 14%, Frenzy to 14%, Alertness to 18%
Valar: Banish demons to 18%, Protection from evil to 23%, Bless to 44%, Ceremony to 29%, Cast magical to 22%
Vampire: Conceal spellcasting to 24%, Sneak to 24%, Energy drain to 58%, Invisibility to 9%, Vampiric charm to 58%