Hi, I am a female in my teens, and live in Maine, USA, The Universe. I love to read, swim, dance, dance some more, and generally have fun, I also enjoy playing BatMud, and enjoy working with Nyghtshade on this site... I am currently applying to an exchange program which I hope will be able to take me to Finland for the first semester of the 99-00 school year.
I am the youngest in my family except for my dog, who is a standard black poodle. I have an older brother who is two years, six months minus twelve days older than me, but I don't really keep track. I also have a mother and father.
I can be reached at my email, Luminesia@yahoo.com I also am on Batmud quite a bit these days, and if I am on, please feel free to talk to me, and if I'm not, drop me a line from the BatMud Post Office.